Wednesday, February 23, 2011

~Photograph XIX~

~Wild Things...playing on Tutu's bed....~

Monday, February 21, 2011

~Photograph XVIII~

~Our life of Details~ As we start a new normal....again ,with no little ones running around. Back to the grind we go~

Sunday, February 20, 2011

~Photograph XVII~

~Moving Day~

I have a home full of Details.......all with names, faces ,character and charm .The time comes , in our case more then once... an adult child moves out. And with that she takes even more details with her. My eldest...she moves out today taking with 3 grandchildren. Its an odd thing...When a house seems just so small, full and busy ,that with the leaving of some will leave the house feeling a bit bigger and empty .Really a sad thing .That part will pass...I know....and something else will move into the empty slot ...It always does. So as I help you my eldest leave this home once again to start your own life with your own family..know this..I'm proud of you and love you more.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

~Photograph XVI~

I have many children and I love them all.With all families everyone has his or her own it the Eldest child {Head ruler over younger siblings}..Middle children {Their job is to bust the humps of the younger ones under them and talk back to the eldest} and there is the baby of the family .We all have them...the beloved 'Baby of the family' who gets away with almost anything . Is the last child in a run of so many spoiled??? Maybe?? Most likely?? Perhaps??.......
 Definitely!! Case in point .... A little girl and her love of  Justin B~ .We were at the Elementary school Book Fair. She wanted this poster something fierce. I told her I thought she was a bit young to have a poster of a 'BOY' on her wall. What happened to the days of  kittens playing in the grass or Disney princess/ movie posters on her wall??? My days are numbered with this littlest of details. As you can see by the look on her face..I gave in ....
.....By the end of the night ..J.B~ was places safe and sound in a frame and her poster was hung in its place before the night's end. Sleep well little one...Mum loves you~

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

~Photograph XIV~


~Photograph XIII~

~Play Dates at there Finest~

Monday, February 7, 2011

~Photograph XII~

~I love coffee...and  this is what pumps threw my veins at any given moment .....Fresh grind....A french press and hot water..will make the perfect cup of joy!!!~{with fresh cream and sugar}

~Photograph XI~

~This is the point of view of a child the age of 3yrs old in my house....And how she loves to climb this to get to the 1800's bottle collection ~