....We all have them ... and like me , I'm no different.
Back in the day when my tribe was small , Story time before bed was a MUST !! As they got older...it faded away....like most things from their childhood...like milk and cookies while they cuddled up on the sofa with their favorite blankets.... a show they could all agree upon to watch... I was sad when that day arrived ,and they no longer desired such things.
Years later the first grandchild was born...and thus opened the door to what was once closed.....Story Time.. Tradition . We all loved reading to the newest member of our family.
As time went on...two more grandchildren joined the party .
I'm blessed to see them almost daily....Their spirits are unique.... our home is full of laughter the moment they step through our front door.
Even though they don't live with us ,we still keep story time a must.....Every night I get a ring from my eldest granddaughter...and she will ask "Tutu ,can you read us our bedtime stories?? But of course my little lovey....
Monday and Tuesday was some family favorites pulled from the vintage bookcase ....
Wednesday night was full of giggles , Thursday was the favorites from when Greg and I were kids .
After the pages have been read and the books put down....I wish them the sweetest of dreams and how I love them all so.
My time as a mum has gone by far too fast...but my time as a Tutu is going far faster then I would care for. Makes me think of that Harry Chapin song "Cats in the Cradle ".....It all goes far too fast...stop to enjoy the adventure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s5r2spPJ8g