I think back to this last year....all before our littlest was turning 1....3 more daughters moved out...The loss of some dear Loved family friends ,gone before their time or just walked away {I wonder if they know how much they are missed }....reconnecting with my baby sister after 25 plus years... and two daughters joined the military.... yes....it has been a year...a year of change.
This Christmas it wasn't about the wrapped gifts under the tree...the festive decorations...the stockings filled with trinkets & treats...The grand meal on the table....
This year ...the big gift was TIME .
The time to be together as a family...
Time...it is a fleeting thing...
There are no guarantees... There are no do overs.... We get one shot/one chance.
We live a different life then we did a year ago.... What may have seemed important then ,no longer holds the same feel...the same value ...
Case in point....
We wait by the phone We hold our breath We write letters to our soldiers...send care packages We love other peoples soldiers We make friends with other soldiers parents We wear their Dog tags We listen to the news more carefully We pray HARDER We hold our faith TIGHTER We hold our children tighter still!! and all the while continue to raise the children that are still home...have an open ear when needed . The day is fast approaching when we again make the drive to the airport and say good bye to our soldiers home on leave and go back to our new norm .....
And in all truth and honesty ...I will miss seeing them popping their heads in the fridge/pantry ....pouring a cup of coffee....laying on my bed before I put the baby down for the night and watching a cartoon with him...
and yes , I will miss seeing this....
....I'm going to miss this....and the shoe will feel a bit more empty and quiet. ~I am a Army Mum~ ~Strong & Proud~ ¨*•♪♫•*Little Old Lady¨*•♪♫•*
With loving heart and ample amount of patience for all the gals in his life .....{{In the words of Martha Stewart}} "It's a Good thing" on account there is eight of us .
And when time allows ...we are off with two tickets in hand