Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My Dearest son Abraham ,
Today is your Birthday Day. It should of been a more joyous day filled with Balloons, cake, a house full of boys your age singing to you as you blew out your candles on your cake, that you asked me to make special for you ....But instead
it was a day to place presents ,treats and flowers at your grave.
Such a hard thing to do for one who was so small when you left us .
Tears still fall after all this time...The thoughts of {what if} plays around a lot on your day.Your sisters wondering who you would look like...would you look like your father ,Uncle Paul or Uncle Mike.
The say time heals all wounds....But for the ones left behind not this one.
To place you in the cold dark ground was THE HARDEST thing your father and I ever did.
You are thought of daily....I have been told too many time too many "You have so
many children Karen, Really do you even miss this one?"
People can be cruel when not meaning to .
To love a child is truly the best gift I was given. And to love all 9 of them...well...
I consider myself blessed .
...As the candles burn low on your cake this year ..know that we all love you ..
and I miss you so.