Thursday, August 21, 2014

~Best Friends~

                           Its a Throw Back Thursday !!!

My eldest with at the time our youngest daughter MeeMee . The baby was at best about 3 weeks old.
M~ was always loving with all her siblings....but there was the joker/I'm going to get you big sister side too. And don't get me wrong...they all fought ...part of growing up in a tiny house with toys to share and limited funds .

Flash forward to today....These two little ladies are as close as can be. This year saw many of the girls moving out...and MeeMee did so in June. Which leaves only 3 left home...I'm happy to see her in her new roll in life and her independents. Her hard work ethic , attention to detail and a strong foundation for her education....She will go far ,just like the rest of her sisters.

                               These are the days I miss ......
                               So glad I have a still frame 
                                    to remember (: