Sunday, October 19, 2014

~Autumn Sun~

'Tis the Season of Pumpkin Patch Adventures, Warm days and cool nights ,Leaves change colors and falling from the trees.....

What a year makes....

This same time last year our littlest detail was not yet a year old....How grand it has been to watch him grow...
His best friends our his nieces and nephew.... He adores his Big sisters...and can always count on his big brother .....

The Baby Hay Maze with his eldest sister....playing in the Corn barrel ....watching old water pumping machinery....

These two little ladies are as close as sisters..and are growing up so quickly .... These two were
the bravest of the bunch....

The kids were in search of The Great pumpkin and a would be Jack-o-lantern to bring home....a tall order in my find   Just the Right one!!!

With Dante being older/bigger this year ...Greg and I did something fun with him....
...Yep...had a blast!!!!

An old fashion hay ride...following a shadow...a search for the prefect Jack-be-little for their rooms...
I simply love this time of year!!! And though our family is much smaller now then last year...with everyone going their own directions.....I'm grateful ...Grateful for the time I have with my children grandchildren.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
¨*•♪♫•*Little Old Lady¨*•♪♫•*