Wednesday, January 14, 2015

~A Youtube Teen~

Living with a Youtuber ......

she is a girly-girl all the way with a huge love for and nails ....and to be honest...she has a great eye. She will spend her free time on YouTube and other sites in reach of the newest hottest trends.

She sends me pictures , videos and yes I will buy her teen magazines like J-14 ...did I mention I know the names of all the gents in 1D & 5SOS...well I do...


We will spend hours shopping for nail polish , make-up ,and shoes.



She has been wanting her hair done like this for many moons now....she asked for my help... 



Her hair turned out pretty swell!!! Plus all her 7th and 8th grade friends thought it was great.




Now on the next beauty trend on her list...

Our package will arrive later this week...

She can hardly wait .


Some of her favorite tunes... 

~Wearing my Color artist Hat for the Day~


                                                                                                            ¨*•♪♫•*Little Old Lady¨*•♪♫•*