Monday, September 15, 2014

~To Ease A Mum's Heart~

Letters to home ....I wait for these now a days...
A word from another daughter in Basic Training far from home ....
On Sunday the web site posted pictures of our solders....
 I can't say in words how grand it was to see our daughter's
face. I miss her so....

And today we received in the afternoon mail ,our second letter since she left back in August.
By what she wrote ,there is really NO time to write letters home ,but misses and loves everyone so!!!

No one can tell you just how fast a child you once carried will grow into an adult before your eyes.

But ,it happens all the same ...and even though this is the 5th time around for me in this place {A grown Daughter off to find her calling in the big open air} it makes me miss the days of yesteryear ,when I could hold them close in my arms as well as my heart.
Today ,I hold them in my heart from a far.....

In times like these...I find my strength in my faith ,my family and music....

¨*•♪♫•*Little Old Lady¨*•♪♫•*