Monday, September 1, 2014

~Weekend Fare part V ~

*Sigh* The last weekend of Summer break....
Went Too fast! ); 

 Saturday was our mission get all the supplies needed for the week ahead ....
           which entails 3 stores...2 of which are outlet shops and the other a chain store...
 ...I avoid  Wal-Mart at all COST  .....That place gives me a headache......

      Sunday gave us time with our grand daughters.....
They are both growing up just so quickly .....
                                                  I see their mother in them....
                           Dinner ,Bath time and a few rounds of Don't Break the Ice...

Today...Labor Day ... Gave us a call from Tess

   Fresh brewed coffee and a crowd favorite  ....

    There was football practice touches on bedrooms...
    and setting up for the first day of
    High School for Noah... The girls start on Wednesday .

    We finished off the night with some classic flicks....
                        {A family tradition the night before the start of classes}

All in all...a pretty good day at the shoe. Cheers to the week ahead.... I'm  off to put the littlest detail
to bed....


The Little Old Lady~