Time to set Summer things away....and set up for the colder wet weather ahead....
First Stop...The Nursery....
Dust..polish...music playing in the back ground.....
Gathering up books....Pulling warm Autumn/Winter clothing out from the Attic...Wash-dry-hang up ...Dante keeps me company while I work : )
Time for a break....A daughter home from school asking if I had a copy of Edgar... of Course I do!!!
A read of The Raven , Hot chocolate with pumpkin spice creamer ....and talk of Disneyland at Halloween time!!
More talking with my crew while I prepare Dinner and something was mentioned of Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyan ....
Which lead a daughter to the DVD library in search of a copy of Legends bought for children before him....
And how our littlest detail just might like this one...and he does .
Now I'm off to attempt to put this little love down for the night....
.....Wish me luck ( :
¨*•♪♫•*Little Old Lady¨*•♪♫•*