Sunday, January 4, 2015

~Winter Break~

Winter break never seems to last long enough....Never the less

We  sure  had a grand time all the same...

To have everyone home was all in all a true blessing!!!


There were late nights of binge watching Friends and The Walking Dead...A house full of familiar  faces coming to visit.... Late night food runs and reminiscing  through old picture books...

                                                                               (Spring Break 2001)



Photos taken with the two Army girls right before they left....

 As like all good things....

They have to end....

Tessa left first ...last Saturday night...

 It was hard to see her go....

Then came this Saturday , We did another trip to the airport....

I won't is hard on my mum heart.....To let them both go again....

But like a saying my grandmother tells me... Children are like rainbows...You can't hold a rainbow Karen, just enjoy the beauty that it is .

So ,I do...with tears in my eyes and an understanding strong loving man by my side  ....and knowing this town is too small to hold such greatness ...they are meant for bigger things ....all the while I will be the proud mum off to the side cheering them the entire way :)


As the hours tick down to the start of classes in the morning....late night homework.... back to trying to run on time and get to bed before midnight....


Back to the grind we go. 


Now , I'm off to put a little one down .....


                                                                       ~Good Night~

                                                        ¨*•♪♫•*Little Old Lady¨*•♪♫•*