Tuesday, September 30, 2014

~Winter is Coming~

It is cleaning time at the Little Shoe.
Time to set Summer things away....and set up for the colder wet weather ahead....
First Stop...The Nursery....
Dust..polish...music playing in the back ground.....
Gathering up books....Pulling warm Autumn/Winter clothing out from the Attic...Wash-dry-hang up ...Dante keeps me company while I work : )

Time for a break....A daughter home from school asking if I had a copy of Edgar... of Course I do!!!
A read of The Raven , Hot chocolate with pumpkin spice creamer ....and talk of Disneyland at Halloween time!!

More talking with my crew while I prepare Dinner and something was mentioned of Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyan ....
Which lead a daughter to the DVD library in search of a copy of Legends bought for children before him.... 
 And how our littlest detail just might like this one...and he does .

Now  I'm off to attempt to put this little love down  for the night....

                .....Wish me luck ( :

¨*•♪♫•*Little Old Lady¨*•♪♫•*